Sunday, December 19, 2010

Tis the season for .... hostility??

I know that this time of year people are on edge. The holidays and end of year madness will do that to anyone. In fact I'm experiencing my own bouts of hostility associated with equitable parenting time during the holidays with my ex. At least I have a good excuse for being a raving lunatic! ]

What's yours? Do share. After all, tis the season! ;)


  1. Since I am usually crabby, I try to be on my best behavior during the holidays. I figure everyone else is grumpy, I might as well smile and make them even crabbier. Although Stop and Shop gets way worse over the holidays.

  2. I am generally crabby too, although you wouldn't know it unless you're one of my 3 children! ;) Definitely agree, the grocery stores are the worst this time of year!
