Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Heat rant

It's no secret that most of the northeast (the entire country perhaps?!) has been hot as the surface of the sun itself these last couple of weeks. Ok, maybe not that hot, but damn close in my opinion. I am not a Summer person. It's one of my least favorite seasons - always has been. I love the Spring. Perhaps because I'm born in April? Could be. I love the cool temperatures, the blooming flowers, the bright sunny days. This heat makes me cranky. I'm not pleasant when I'm cranky. I mean, who is?!

I have taken the kids to the town pool only once so far. Lately the pool has looked as if some sort of infestation is taking place with the amount of people there. It's honestly kind of creepy. Did I mention I don't do well in large crowds either? The last time I took the kids to the pool I spent most of my time either chasing or holding my 2 year old. Needless to say it was not relaxing for me at all. Hence my resistance to going back. Maybe when the weather cools down. That defeats the purpose of going doesn't it? ;)

In all honesty, it's just been so gross out I have been unable to motivate myself to do much outside of my air conditioned bedroom. This is especially difficult when it comes to cooking. Tonight dinner consisted of cold cereal, ice cream and hot dogs cooked on the stove-top. Anything to avoid turning on the oven! Did I mention I don't have a grill anymore? The douchelord ex-husband got rid of it before we moved. He bought himself and the dirty mistress a new one for his new apartment. I got nothing. Go figure!

Well that's it for me folks. It's just too hot to type anymore ....

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